If you would rather get your nicotine dosing to help you quit smoking via a hard like candy called a lozenge then this is for you. Simply carry them with you on the go and pop one in when the time is right and you will be the best smoking quitter you can be. Good news… no ashtray odor, yellow teeth, or smoking break during your day. Take control back!

If you would rather get your nicotine dosing to help you quit smoking via a hard like candy called a lozenge then this is for you. Simply carry them with you on the go and pop one in when the time is right and you will be the best smoking quitter you can be. Good news… no ashtray odor, yellow teeth, or smoking break during your day. Take control back!

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Price per unit
$0.54per unit
Supply for
1 month
Feature One
Feature Two
Important safety information

A nicotine lozenge is a tablet that contains nicotine, which dissolves slowly in the mouth to release nicotine for 20 to 30 minutes.

Description Image
Product features

Easy to carry and use. Effective.

When to use
  • If you smoke within 30 minutes after waking up then use 4 mg every 2 hours for 6 weeks then slowly wean down in combination with a smoking withdrawal program to quit the habit.
  • If you smoke after 30 minutes after waking up then use 2 mg every 2 hours for 6 weeks then slowly wean down in combination with a smoking withdrawal program to quit the habit.
Feature Three
Feature Four
Feature Five
When to use
As Needed
6 to 9 weeks
Product form
PhysiPro Exclusive
Medication description

Hard candy-style nicotine to help you quit smoking.

FAQ Medicine reference